Reasons Why Your Two Wheeler Insurance Claim Is Rejected

Two wheeler insurance offers excellent financial cover to protect your vehicle from unexpected events such as road accidents/collision, damages, third party liability, etc. but a denial from your insurer to settle the claim can be the big jolt. Therefore, it is imperative to be careful while buying a plan and you must also re-examine the details of the policy held by you.

Here are five common reasons why your claim can be rejected.

1. Getting your vehicle repaired on your own after the accident: It is the most common mistake that many of you make. You tend to repair your bike on your own and then inform the insurance company about the settlement. As a result of this, the insurer cannot trace back the accident and the repairs and eventually reject your claim. To avoid such situation, always inform the insurance company before getting the car repaired. The company professional will inspect the damage from their end, evaluate the cost of damage and help you get the best deal for repairing the damage caused to your bike.

2. Drunk driving: If a person is found drunk at the time of an accident, then an insurance company has all the right to reject the claim. Many times, people try to hide that they were drunk while riding a bike. This may work in some cases where the accident is minor and the driver does not get to see any police or hospital. But in the other case, hospitals exhibit this information to police and then you cannot expect insurance coverage. Rather a tough criminal action can be instigated against you if you hide such a thing.

3.When you miss transferring your name in the policy copy: People keen on buying used bikes invest can face a claim rejection in future if they forget to transfer their name in the policy copy. In such cases where transfer formalities have not been done, the policy is considered invalid and will not help you to settle the claim.

4. Forget to notify the claim within specified time: Always notify the claim within 48 hours to 72 hours of the damage. If you fail to do so, insurance companies can reject your claim. Also, if you damage your car in a crash and the engine gets damaged too, but you continue driving it, thus causing further damage to the car. The policy claim will automatically be rejected by the insurer.

5. Driving License: Driving licenses are valid for a longer duration. After this period, you need to renew it. It is important because if your vehicle meets an accident during the time and your driving license is not valid, then two wheeler insurance will be rendered useless and it can be the prime reason behind the rejection of your claim too.

Though buying two wheeler insurance is an extremely smart step as it can save you from much unaccounted for and sudden costs, but they don't make you or your bike bulletproof. Be honest and safe, instead of being careless and reckless. Insurance companies will love you for it and help you the most.

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3 Tips On Being A Better Life Insurance Agent

Selling insurance is among the toughest jobs, especially the first few months. However, just like any other sales job, it does get better with time. Dealing with customers one-on-one needs one to have qualities that will make the potential customer be more and more interested in your life insurance policy and before you know it- the deal is closed. Here are some tips to help you in your career as a life insurance agent.

Good negotiation skills

Selling these kind of policies will require a lot of talking and specifically, trying to convince customers to buy them. You should learn how to negotiate with the customer to keep the conversation going and keep the customer at par with what you are offering.

Break down the policy and use each benefit practically in real life, for them to see clearly how beneficial the policy can be. When it comes to prices, this is where most agents lose the battle, but sometimes it is not their fault. Knowing your customer's financial state will help you to identify which premiums he will be able to pay and at the same time, be financially stable.

Excellent customer care and etiquette

This being a job where you are directly dealing with your clients, you need to have the highest standards when it comes to presentation and etiquette. Be professional as you address your client; many sales agents are not aware that half of the time spent with you, a customer looks at how you present yourself. If you do not meet their expectations, they will leave without any of your insurance covers.

Be more knowledgeable

In this ever changing world of business, you need to learn more everyday about the industry you are in. This way, you get to know what your competitors are up to and you find ideas that you can borrow to increase the number of sold policies.

You also need to be perfect in your product knowledge. A customer will have all sorts of questions concerning the life policies you offer and he or she will expect you to have answers.

If you do not know your insurance products well, there is a high possibility that your customer will notice and to his eyes, that is a red flag which creates doubts. By now you are aware that once a potential insurance customer doubts the policy you are selling, that sale is gone.

We provide the best info about best term life insurance. For further details on this topic, click here!

Auto Insurance Tips For Teens

The answer to the query on how to find the best car insurance for drivers remains a mystery to a lot of people. In order to unlock this mystery, this article is created.

Naturally, insurance companies charge a higher premium price to teenagers. If you just knew this, well, here's some news for you. Insurance companies charge expensive insurances to teens because they see them as part of the group that's more at risk for road accidents.

But, this concern can still be managed since there are some companies who give discounts to teens. Some of these ways are illustrated below.

Firstly, you must be able to choose an appropriate car. Insurance companies favour teenagers to drive safer cars. This means that it is best to purchase economy or new cars and ward off from the luxury and sports cars. So if you are still going to purchase a car, then you should remember this point.

Also, you can present your exceptional report card to the insurance company. There are so many insurance companies that honor teens who excel in school. They offer this because these companies believe that teenagers who have the high marks are the responsible drivers. To get this insurance discount, you only have to submit your report card to the insurance company.

In addition to all those discussed above, you can must also select wisely the coverage to get. What's meant by this is that you should only apply for the coverage that you can utilize as a young driver, so you must always check your insurance policy inclusions.

Yet one more way to get cheap car insurance is to use telematics insurance. This method uses a 'black box' GPS device that measures factors such as speed and others so that a score will be achieved. The score provided by the device will be the basis for the cost of the premium that the young driver will have to pay the insurance company. So if you are confident about your driving skills, then you should use this kind of insurance.

The safety features present in your car can also save you some cash. This is due to the fact that insurance companies lower your premium when they know that your car is safer to drive because of these devices.

Finally, you can choose to take a driver's class which could also help lower down your insurance premium. 
Now those are the top ways a young driver can do to have budget-friendly insurances.

You can still get a good bargain with car insurance for teens, today.Get additional information on cheapest auto insurance for young drivers, here.

10 Questions You SHOULD Be Asking About Your Car Insurance

Insurance can be confusing. I personally think the industry has done that to itself with commercials that talk about everything EXCEPT what's really important to most customers and their families. What do you REALLY need to know? It seems like everything is a big SECRET. This will help you de-mystify the jargon and help you understand what is TRULY IMPORTANT TO YOU.

1. Cheap Car Insurance Is Good, Right? - I know. I've seen all the same commercials on T.V. that you have. Everyone tries to Out-Shout each other claiming they can save you hundreds on your car insurance. Price is important, but it's not everything. I often tell clients that it's the same as buying anything else: you always get what you pay for. If you were looking for a pair of sunglasses, and you found a pair for $5 at a convenience store - you'd expect to get a pair of $5 sunglasses. So when they were lost or broken or didn't fit your face right, you'd be OK with that because you know you bought a pair of $5 sunglasses. However, if you bought a pair of prescription, designer sunglasses from your local optometrist for $200, you'd expect to get something that wouldn't easily break, scratch and that would be very comfortable to wear. In essence, you'd expect to walk out the door with something of exceptional value. The same goes for car insurance and anything else you buy. Anyone can sell you a stripped down policy for cheap. And that's just what you'll get.

.Fact. Cheap is just that: Cheap. Making sure you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford is the most important thing you can do before paying your next insurance bill.

2. What Is the Single, Most Important Coverage I Need? - Most States have mandatory, required liability limits for a reason: Promoting Public Goodwill! Liability is the part of your policy that pays for medical bills and property damage that you are legally responsible for if you are determined to be at-fault in an accident. However, most of these limits were established in the 1970's, when the cost of healthcare and property were substantially less than they are now. (The average annual income in 1975 was $8,000! - My, how times have changed... ) The States have not kept pace on the required liability limits with the rising costs of healthcare or even inflation! When is the last time you heard of a lawsuit for less than $1 Million?? If you have $15,000 to $30,000 to throw at a lawsuit that size, where are you going to get the rest?? Liability limits are offered from the minimum State requirements all the way up to $2 Million for any bodily injury or property damage that results from a car accident. Without enough liability, you could be faced with financially devastating lawsuits if you hurt someone badly in a car wreck.

.Fact. Liability is the least expensive coverage on your policy and does the most good for you. For less than $0.99 a day, you can purchase substantially more liability to protect your family from lawsuits and avoid the pain of bankruptcy.

3. What is Full Coverage? - There is no such thing as "Full Coverage". If an insurance company sold you every coverage they had in their arsenal, there would still be things that wouldn't be covered. An example of this is using the vehicle for illegal activity. Running from the police, smuggling drugs or other illegal substances or people, and intentional criminal acts are good examples of things that would never be covered if your vehicle was damaged or destroyed. In the 1989 movie "Steel Magnolias", Shirley MacLaine's character rams her car into another car that beat her to a parking space at the grocery store. The whole time, she's saying "I've got insurance!" Intentional destruction of personal property is a real crime, and that would not be covered by any insurance company I know of.

There are really only two coverages you are able to purchase commonly referred to as "Full Coverage".

Collision coverage is the first of these. Collision is the only place in your policy you can find money to repair your vehicle if you wreck it and it is determined to be your fault. In No-Fault States, like Colorado, if your vehicle is damaged in an accident, your Collision Insurance is the only place you'd find funds to fix your car, even if the accident was caused by another driver.

Comprehensive coverage is the second of these coverages, and it protects your vehicle from non-collision related losses like fire, wind, hail, theft, vandalism, falling objects like trees and falling rocks from a hillside, and hitting animals.

Typically, banking institutions force you to have these coverages while you are financing a vehicle so they (the bank) are financially protected from loss if your vehicle is wrecked or destroyed while they are still carrying the note on it.

Tip. If you're vehicle's book value is in the low thousands, you may want to seriously consider dropping these coverages. There is a point when your vehicle's value no longer justifies you paying extra to protect the depreciated value. Your agent can help you determine what the value of your vehicle is and show you how much you are spending to protect that value.

4. If I Am Covered Under My Major Medical Provider, Like Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Do I Really Need Uninsured Motorist Coverage? - If you are paying someone else for health care coverage, why do you want to give another insurance company more money for the same thing? In most cases where vehicles are covered with Collision and Comprehensive, AND where you have health care coverage for you and your family with a Major Medical provider it doesn't matter if an uninsured person hits you and hurts you. You know your medical bills will be paid anyway by your Major Medical provider.

Note. To make an informed decision about whether or not you should carry Uninsured Motorist coverage, talk to your agent about the actual risk you have right now.

5. I Have Expensive After-Market Rims and Tires or Stereo Equipment Installed in My Vehicle. Are Those Items Covered By My Policy? - I know clients that spend a substantial amount of money to "customize" their vehicle. Some spending upwards of $10,000 to obtain accessories that make their vehicle different. The basic rule of thumb to determine if these valuables are covered under your policy is simple. If they are installed in the same spot as the factory-installed stuff, you are covered. Rims and Tires are obviously going to be installed in the same location as the rims and tires that came with the vehicle from the factory. Stereo equipment can be installed in the same spot as the factory stereo, but some of the accessories, like amplifiers and speakers that are placed in other spots (under the seats, in the trunk of the car, etc) are NOT covered under your personal auto policy with any provider.

Tip. If you're adding accessories to your vehicle, ask your agent if they'll be covered or not.

6. Is My Tom-Tom GPS, Cell Phone, or Radar Detector Covered If My Car Is Broken Into and They Are Stolen? - Your policy only covers the vehicle. Personal property stolen from inside a vehicle is never covered under the vehicle policy. Only a Personal Property policy, like Homeowners, Renters, or Manufactured Home insurance will cover your personal property inside the vehicle.

Tip. As a general rule, most everything not factory installed in your vehicle is not covered in your car insurance policy. Ask your agent how your property policy works in conjunction with your auto to get you the most protection.

7. What Will Cause My Auto Claim To Be Immediately Denied? - Auto insurance companies all have the same basic set of rules for this they outline in the policy document. The main reasons your claim could be denied are 1) driving without a license or on a suspended license, 2) coverage was lapsed at the time of the accident, or 3) a newly-acquired vehicle was not added to the policy within the 30-day window after the vehicle was purchased.

Tip. Make sure you ask anyone that you allow to drive your vehicle if their license is active and valid, pay your premiums on time, and make sure you add any newly purchased vehicles to your policy as soon as you are able to contact your agent.

8. If My Car Is Totaled, How Much Will My Insurance Company Pay To Cover The Loss? - Generally, most major insurance companies cover your vehicle for its "Actual Cash Value". Actual Cash Value is the depreciated value of your vehicle at the time of the accident where it was totaled. Every insurance company has their own system for valuing vehicles. The closest you will be able to get to this rate is by averaging your Kelly Blue Book values for Trade-in and Private Party. This will give you a great idea of the average value an insurance company will pay you if your vehicle is totaled. This is the highest value and the lowest value available to you as the owner of the vehicle. Some policies, usually for Classic Cars, allow you to insure the vehicle for Stated Value, or "agreed-upon value". Most personal auto policies do not allow you to insure a vehicle for Stated Value.

Tip. Check with your agent to find out what your vehicle's actual cash value is. No one likes sticker-shock when they receive a claim check for a total loss.

9. If I Need New Parts For My Car, Will My Insurance Company Pay For Original Manufacturer (OEM) Parts? - In the recent past, many insurance companies guaranteed OEM parts. When the major car companies foundered in the recession, many of them got stuck assuming those parts would be readily available. When insurance companies were faced with a national shortage of parts for vehicles made by companies that were now bankrupt, all of them changed the wording of their policies to change this in order to protect themselves from lawsuits. Now it is the norm for aftermarket parts to be used to repair vehicles, as they are more readily available and no noticeable difference is visible in the repairs most body shops make.

Fact. Many insurers now restrict or severely limit the use of OEM parts in their repair estimates.

Tip. If you'd like to know what parts are actually being used to repair your vehicle, the best option is to ask your body shop what kind of parts they intend to use for your repair. If OEM parts are available, you may consider asking your insurance adjuster to cover the extra cost for OEM parts.

10. If I Am Killed In an Auto Accident, What Does My Family Get? - Most people assume if they are killed in a car wreck that their family will receive some sort of death benefit from the auto insurance company. That is simply not true. Some States offer a small death benefit in their medical payment/ personal injury protection coverages, but most do not. Medical Payments coverage will pay up to the policy limits for medical bills only.

Fact. Life insurance is the only way to make sure your family receives some cash if you pass away as a result of a car wreck.

Tip. Some insurance companies offer discounted rates on your auto insurance if you also have a life insurance policy with them, and vice versa. To make sure you are getting the best deal, contact your agent.

I know the world of insurance can be confusing, but it's important to know the right questions to ask your agent so you are in a better position to make informed decisions for you and your family. Our belief is that when you are properly educated about insurance by a real consumer advocate, your experience with our industry as a whole will be much more satisfying for you.

All The Best!

Erik Wells

Erik Wells All American Insurance Agencies


Tips To Find Cheap Auto Insurance That Offers The Coverage You Truly Need

Learn how to shop for cheap but good auto insurance. Finding a policy that is affordable, yet provides you the coverage you need. Saving money is a great financial goal, but don't make the mistake of always selecting the cheapest offer. Learn more about car insurance programs and find some real tips to help get the coverage you need. Here is some information on how to learn to shop for car insurance that is cheap and good.

Begin with the Insurance Selection Process

Drivers need to select the type of insurance coverage that they wish to purchase. There are four types to choose from: liability, collision, comprehensive and under or uninsured motorist coverage. The first thing to do is to assess the insurance needs of the vehicle. For example, evaluate if the car can be replaced. If a car is used then liability coverage is often the best option.

Liability coverage covers the other driver and their passengers after a collision. Vehicles that are owned by policy holders are not covered by its property damage or medical coverage amounts. It can be very cost effective for people who want good coverage that is affordable. The states do not require anything beyond liability coverage so drivers with this coverage are acting in accordance with the law.

Collision coverage is great for vehicles that are too expensive to repair or are financed by auto loan lenders. This coverage covers property damage and medical bills caused by collisions. Drivers are responsible for a portion of the costs which is known as a deductible. One way to save money with this type of policy is to set a higher deductible amount.

Comprehensive coverage is a type of insurance that deals with protecting cars in the event of a fire, theft, act of vandalism, or weather event. Cars are expensive and hard to replace so this type of coverage is very beneficial to have. Under/uninsured motorist coverage covers the gaps if the amount of coverage that a driver has is not enough to cover the damages. Many people break the law and drive while uninsured so having this form of protection is a great way for people to cover themselves from financial implications.

Engage in Comparison Shopping

The Internet is the best place for consumers to find cheap insurance options. The best way to do this is to request insurance quotes. The quotes are based upon the geographic location where the driver resides, the age and gender of the driver and the type of policy that will be underwritten. When conducting the quotes process, individuals need to select the same options or the premium rates will vary substantially.

People should search for discounts from insurers as well. There are good driver, good student, military and even group based discounts out there. Each insurer has something different to bring to the table so while shopping, drivers should visit the websites of the insurance companies listed to research which discounts they offer. This can make a big difference in the final premium rate.

Once this has been completed, drivers should compare the quotes side by side and see how much coverage they will have and what they will have to pay for it. The best rule to follow is to choose the policy with the most coverage that fits the budget. It often comes in handy to pay a bit more to secure more financial protection.

Our mission is to help consumers find the lowest rates, but ensure they get the right coverage they need to cover them with any potential accident. Consumers can learn more [] about auto insurance policies and coverage, to help save with their annual premiums.

How to Choose Travel Insurance

Choosing the right travel insurance is an important step when you're planning a trip away. If you travel on a regular basis for business or other reasons, getting the right plan becomes even more important. But how do you choose a company and a plan amongst all the competition? It's tempting to go with whatever plan you're offered when you book flights, for the sake of convenience. But I urge you not to do that - take your travel insurance seriously and make an informed decision. Here's how.

Assistance Vs Insurance

First you need to understand there are really two different types of company in this market. Most are insurance companies - if something goes wrong on your holiday, they will provide financial compensation (as long as the event is covered under your plan). In other words they provide the money, but you're still on your own in a foreign country.

The other type of company is an assistance company. They go a bit further than just providing financial coverage - they actually have employees who can physically come to where you are to help you out if necessary.

Get a Plan That Suits Your Trip

There's not much point getting a plan that covers you for winter sports if you're going cruising in the Caribbean. There is a huge variety of different plans out there tailored to particularly types of holiday. Some companies offer a wide range of plans, and others only offer a single standard plan with a couple of add-ons that you have to pay extra for.

So if you're planning a particular type of holiday - an adventure tourism trip, for instance - think about what your biggest risks are going to be, on top of the typical risks associated with traveling in general (getting bags lost or stolen, etc.) Then find companies that offer plans specifically tailored to your holiday type.

Find a Company That Suits Your Age and Medical Condition

If you're over the age of 65 or you have an existing medical condition, you may find most mainstream travel insurance companies refuse to cover you (or expect you to pay extortionate premiums). Don't stress though, because there are a few major companies out there who tailor their plans specifically to people with medical conditions and senior citizens. Most of these companies also allow you to sign up quickly and smoothly online so you don't have to worry about any embarrassing privacy violations and medical exams.

Want to learn more about what various travel insurance companies are offering? Check out Travel Insurance Compare [] today and find out which company can offer you the best deal.

Tips to Benefit From Cheap Life Insurance for Old People

The life insurance industry has become more competitive. More insurance companies are disposed towards making more concessions for senior citizens. When looking for insurance, it is important to find a site that offers different products from different insurance carriers. This gives you the convenience of shopping from multiple carriers in a single website. From the site, you will be able to access insurance plans from several agencies, including brand names, local and nationwide agencies, etc. The following are some of the tips to consider benefiting from cheap insurance for seniors, including:

· Choose what you need

An insurance cover for seniors often attracts high premiums particularly when the chances of death are high. Many of the insurance companies place strict conditions that need to be met for the applicant to qualify for insurance. Therefore, when you are above 50, not everything that crosses your path is worth going for. It is important to draw a line between what you want and what you need. Therefore, an insurance plan can help you make the right decision. For many seniors, a high priced cover is a want- unless they can afford it comfortably. A term life policy provides a desirable reprieve to many people.

· Avoid smoking

To benefit from cheap insurance policies it is important to consider quitting cigarette smoking. If you fall within the category of Preferred Non-tobacco you will be qualified for affordable insurance for seniors. The Standard Tobacco User category attracts higher premium rates. If you are a non-smoker you stand to benefit from a policy that is twice as low when compared with that of smokers. The scale varies depending with the years a person quit smoking. Therefore, a person who quit smoking 5 years ago can end up paying cheaper premiums than a person who quit smoking 2 years ago.

· Manage your weight & cholesterol levels

A significant population of senior citizens are carrying excess fat and struggling with problems of high cholesterol levels. Any senior who is looking for cheap life insurance for old people should watch their weight and seek to attain "normal weight" which often varies between different underwriters. In addition, they should keep their cholesterol levels below 210.

· Avoid risky hobbies

Different insurance companies have summarized what they consider as risky hobbies. Therefore, if you enjoy travelling, the underwriter will normally specify countries they consider risky to travel for various reasons such as high crime rates, political instability, among others.

We provide the best info about life insurance old people. For further details on this topic, visit our website!